Thursday 7 August 2014

Almost Done the First Week

It's hard to believe that I have finished 4 days of vet school already.

The Sunday night before school started a group of us went to a pub to watch a free Fringe comedy show.  We ended up watching two comics perform while on the top level of a double decker bus.  Definitely a new experience.

For Monday and Tuesday we had introduction lectures.  Things like introductions from the student council, what to do if there is a fire, how not to injure yourself while at school, how not to get robbed in Edinburgh, where to see counsellors when the stress of vet school gets to you.  Lots of cheery things like that!

Wednesday we got an introduction to the computer system.  Lucky us we are the guinea pigs for transitioning to a new computer system.  We also got an introduction to the Animal Body, our course for the entire year which is broken up into four units.

And today we started real school.  Animal Body 1 (which goes until mid September) covers embryology, anatomy, a little histology and a little cell bio.  Today we started off with 4 embryology lectures.  We then had a practical on how to do "lab type" stuff like use microscopes, pipettes and remove and put on scalpel blades (which I was throughly successful at, thank you 5 years of removing scalpel blades to clean surgery instruments at the vet clinic!)

It has definitely been an exciting week but also quite overwhelming.

The Teaching Building - where I will be spending a lot of time!
The stained glass windows from the old vet school
Inside the teaching building

The founder of the school William Dick

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